Pamela Schilderman
Space has become integral to my practice as demonstrated in my large-scale site-specific installations Almas and Bula Matari. In both the idea was to make the imperfect beautiful; the cotton wool of Almas was not soft and reassuring, challenging preconceptions of the medium and each of the three thousand salt crystals was scientifically imperfect.
In Oculto (designed specifically to be displayed in a dodecahedron) the space was constructed so that it maximises the sense of intimacy. Its only opening restricts numbers of viewers within it, thus mimicking for example, the solitary relationship of a reader engrossed in a book. The space reflects the air of allusiveness, secrecy inherent in the paintings themselves, in which painterly techniques such as blurring was used to tease the cognitive senses.
I wish my art to appear organic but simultaneously bear no resemblance to a specific thing or form in nature. In Punctum I hoped to create the impression of the work being alive, as if, though seemingly still, there is a sense of it growing imperceptibly, belonging to the space, filling the space.
I strive to encourage the viewer to abandon the weighted significance we attach to explanations and literal meaning. In Allusions I endeavoured to reemphasize this focus upon the visual alone through the creation of a sea of indecipherable information. In empowering the visual in my practice I hope feeling could be fore grounded over analysis, evoking a non-standard response in the viewer : the art invites the viewer to lose his or her sense of time, to become so involved that in the first instance ‘how’ or ‘why’ is forgotten.

What's new?
I am trying to prioritise making new art work this year over exhibiting and other commitments.
Where are we now?
Don't necessarily feel that this a question I am qualified to answer. Still I think we've come a long way at least on the surface. Women have the right to go out and work and need not be as dependant on men as in the past. However not being dependant is not the same as having equality. On a personal level I still think it's harder for women to gain professional credibility especially when you're young and just starting out.
What's to be done?
I think one step towards further gender equality is to have more women in high ranking jobs. An increase in female politicians is making and would continue to make a big difference in changing social consciousness.
Who's next?
Apart from me (that's a joke). I find female figures like Eva Hesse and Coco Chanel totally inspiring because of how ground breaking they were. When I think of the future though I think it will probably be a writer like Alice Sebold or Andrea levy and others like them who can reach a wide audience.
What are you looking forward to?
Seeing the Ikon's new Contemporary Art Gallery
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