Monday, 4 April 2011

The Mutual submission - Feminist Proposals?

The Mutual Assembly- Call For Submission

In April The Mutual Gallery will become a flexible platform facilitating free choices as an independent agency for critique and creativity from within the Mutual Membership.
Here's how to get involved: the space will act as a library of artists books, essays and writing, for which we are looking for submissions.

There will also be a library of books you have found useful, inspirational, books you’ve loved, and books you’ve hated. Books you no longer want and books you cant bear to be away from (Copies of, or just the title will do and we can find it!).

We would like to produce a small publication to mark the end of the week for which we are open to submissions of writing, essays, images relating to the weeks events, manifestations and/or the projects broader intentions.

Finally we’re looking for ideas of new durational projects, collaborations, performance, music, parties, events, talks, discussions, interventions, readings, workshops, screenings…


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