Monday, 4 April 2011

Storm In A Teacup update :)

StorminaTeacup London 04 April at 18:59 ReplyReport
SIATC *UPDATE* April 2011

Dear Teacups,

Spring has sprung and the teacups have started rustling up some exciting plans for our summer programme. Keep your eyes peeled as once we have announced some of our projects we will be opening up our meetings for all, so if you fancy helping out on an artistic or organisational level there will be plenty of opportunities coming up. Please email if you want to get involved.

Thanks to all you lovely people who came to our Zine workshops we organised for Women of the World Festival at The Southbank centre. It was an epic weekend, with lots of our favourite zinesters leading fantastic workshops. Special thanks goes out to Soupa Creative Network, Shebang Zine, Magpies Magazine, Nest Gallary, VV Collective and the fabulous music programmed by Emmy the Great, Kate Nash and Verity from Storm in a Teacup. Huge thanks to all the artists, musicians, zinesters and participants that got involved. We will be showcasing and unleashing the WOW festival commemorative zine onto the world very soon. So if you want to see the fabulous work everyone contributed over the weekend look out for our May update. In the mean-time you can check out some pictures of the event taken by Clare Kelly from Soupa Creative Network here:

Dont miss this month;

Ellie Green from Storm in a Teacup and emerging artist Bex Massey recently launched Fine Art project; VV Collective, supporting and promoting female artists. Last week VV collective kicked off their new interactive street art exhibition ‘Goody to Guevera’. To view the series of 100 reproductions follow the trail from Pedley Street, E1 and even look out for a secret drawing. VV Collective invite artists and photographers to follow the trail and submit their interpretations and photos to be included on their blog and published in an artists book to be submitted to the Womens Library and Iniva - Institute of International Visual Arts.
VV Collective:

This week our friends at Death Drawing will be hosting a very special life-drawing salon in aid of Japan; Knot for Profit on Tuesday 5th April. With Japanese rope bondage and live traditional Japanese music as well as an art auction. Also coming up this week RUMPUS Spring ball with 6 rooms of fantastical fun with live music, Cinema, Caberet, DJs, Circus and art exhbition on Friday 8th of April. Verity Flecknell from Storm in a Teacup will be performing a blues set and leading the first ever RUMPUS Kazoo orchestra.

Also this month; Panic Lab collective are hosting a night of live bands, poetry and comedy at The Victoria, Mile End on the 30 April. You will remember Panic Lab from their amazing theatre programme at Ladyfest Ten. Verity Flecknell from Storm in a Teacup and Annette Barlow from The Girls Are... will be DJing as She Runs With Wolves.

Storm in a Teacup will also have a table at the London Zine Symposium on Sunday 17 April, so come along and meet Elizabeth Martin from Storm in a Teacup and buy the latest issue of the SIATC zine.

Please visit our blog site to find out how to get involved in the collective and to keep up with the latest news.


TUESDAY 5th April
Resist Pyschic Death || BFI Lesbian & Gay film festival : Event exploring the importance of DIY cultural production for queer community building with Unskinny Bop & Le Cinema des Femmes @ The BFI Southbank.
More Info:

TUESDAY 5th April
Death Drawing & Shibari with Santi present;
KNOT FOR PROFIT || An evening of entertainment featuring Japanese rope bondage, alternative life drawing, live traditional Japanese music, performances and art. All profits raised will be donated to charities supporting relief work in Japan.
7.30pm until late £8.00 entry @ Islington Metalworks, EC1V 1NQ

THURSDAY 7th April
Papered Parlor presents; It’s Your Write: A Celebration of Self-Publishing || A mini festival celebrating DIY culture and activism @ V&A Museum of Childhood. With Young and Lost Club. 20 stalls of independent creatives. Talks, Discussions, Craft, Workshops and Live music! 6-9pm

THURSDAY 7th April -14th April
The Future Crayon || Exhibition exploring the works of contemporary female Stuckist painters as well as a journey into new sounds and visuals from female musicians and filmmakers @ The George Tavern, Stepney. Exhibition & Private View 6-9pm. Artists: Jacqueline Jones and Annie Zamero. Live Music: The Choo Choo Trains, Anne McCloy, LA Fours. DJ: Dee Sada.

FRIDAY 8th April
RUMPUS Vol 4: Spring Ball || 6 Rooms of live music, Art, DJs, Circus, Caberet, Cinema. Featuring Verity Flecknell (Storm in a Teacup) blues set and leading RUMPUS first ever Kazoo Orchestra @ Electrowerkz, Angel. 10pm - 6am

THURSDAY 7th - SUNDAY 10th of April
FRINGE! London Gay Film Fest || A long weekend of films, fun & parties - Fringe! film fest is a grassroots event centered around the Dalston Rio and nearby pop-up venues. Screenings, Workshops and talks.

THURSDAY 14th of April
Fat Quarter Magazine : Issue 3 Launch Party || Live performances: Verity Flecknell (Storm in a Teacup Collective), Flavia Anneccheni. DJ sets: NO FICTION, Severin @ The George Tavern, Stepney.

THURSDAY 14th of April
The Girls Are.. & For Books Sake present; The Quiz Round 2 || Entry is £5 per person, teams of no more than four to be booked in advance by emailing Doors from 6.30pm, quiz commencing at 7.30pm. Plus cakes, book stall, DJs and more. @ The Old School Yard, London Bridge.

SUNDAY 17th of April
London Zine Symposium 2011 || Storm in a Teacup will have a table selling Issue 2 of our zine. 12pm - 6pm @ The Rag Factory, E1 5LJ

SUNDAY 17 April
Les Cinema Des Femmes || @ The Horatia, N7 8JE Doors 17:00pm. First film 18.00pm £4.00

FRIDAY 22 April
Kill Yr Idols || Live performance: Hold Kiss Kill. DJs: No Fiction, YourOtherLover, Severin @ The Victoria, Mile End. FREE entry

Panic Lab presents; CUT IT OUT || *Live bands* Good Weather Girl, The Epilators, Maxwell Zachs *Poetry* Leanne Moden *DJ set* She Runs With Wolves (Annette Barlow; The Girls Are.. & Verity Flecknell; Storm in a Teacup) @ The Victoria, Mile End. 8pm.

Over and Out,

Verity Flecknell
Storm in a Teacup
Female Arts Collective

1 comment:

  1. I think that is right bout that. Nice info and thanks. Need to get in google feed.

